These rules, unless specified, are expected to be followed in class and at all taekwondo events, including non-uniform events such as picnics, demos, and any time you are acting as a representative of the school. Unless specified, these rules also extend to spectators.
These rules are set in place to create a fun and safe environment for all participants. If these rules are broken, you will be given proper warning before disciplinary actions are taken.
If you have a question about one of the rules, ask the School Owners. If you are unsure if an action will break a rule, it is better to ask for permission than ask for forgiveness.
Note: rules are subject to change at the School Owners’ discretion. If any rules change, students will be alerted.
- Martial Arts should never be used to provoke or challenge innocent persons either inside or outside of class.
- Respond to Instructors, Black Belts, and higher ranks with “yes sir” and “yes ma’am”.
- No politics. This means nothing in support of or against any political party, person, or law. This includes (but is not limited to) conversations, prayers, announcements, articles of clothing, and anything intended to cause division.
- No foul language/gestures. This includes spoken, implied, or written forms of the words.
- If participating, no chewing gum, eating, or drinking in the training area during class time.
- If participating, no jewelry (except wedding bands) should be worn during class or other formal Martial Arts settings. Exercise watches are allowed, but they must be removed during one-steps and sparring exercises and during tests.
- Students are not allowed to spar unless they have read and signed the sparring rules form.
- If under 18, don’t leave the building without an adult or permission from an Instructor.
- Never dismiss yourself from class without permission from an Instructor.
- Instructors: always text message or email the School Owners if you are going to miss a class.
- Students: text or email the School Owners if you are going to: miss class for a prolonged period of time, miss a test or class leading up to a test, or regularly miss a class (i.e. if you cannot attend on Mondays).
- If students or Instructors plan on taking a long leave of absence, they must give notice to the School Owners.
These rules are set in place to create a fun and safe environment for all participants. If these rules are broken, you will be given proper warning before disciplinary actions are taken.
If you have a question about one of the rules, ask the School Owners. If you are unsure if an action will break a rule, it is better to ask for permission than ask for forgiveness.
Note: rules are subject to change at the School Owners’ discretion. If any rules change, students will be alerted.
Class Customs and Courtesies
Part of this program involves learning self control and a discipline for respect of others. We also want to maintain a safe environment for training. Therefore, the following must be observed:
While in training area:
Interacting with others:
While in training area:
- Always remove shoes/socks before entering the training area.
- If tardy for class, wait for an Instructor to acknowledge you before joining the class. You will line up in the back.
- Bow (toward flag) before entering and leaving the training area (Toe-chong).
- Maintain a focused attitude in the training area (no horseplay or rowdy behavior).
- No talking or laughing during instruction (students should be considerate of others and attentive to their Instructor).
Interacting with others:
- Be alert when approached by Instructors to ensure you are ready to follow instruction.
- Always be friendly and courteous to fellow classmates and Instructors.
- Always show respect to Instructors and Black Belts (refer to them as “sir or “ma’am”).
- Direct all questions to the highest belt rank available.
- Questions about class should always be directed towards the School Owners.
- You should never have to contact the head of the CTA or other Grandmasters. Responsibility for that contact belongs to the School Owners.
- Turn away from Instructors, higher ranks, and flags when adjusting belt/uniform.
- Practice good hygiene in class – be clean, hair combed, nails clipped, etc.
- Long hair should be put in a braid, ponytail, head band, or pinned back in some fashion to keep it out of your face and eyes during practice, tests, and events.
- Never wash your belt or let it touch the floor.
- Do not wear a uniform top/belt in public unless it is part of a demonstration or formal event.
- Keep your uniform clean and in place.
- Under your uniform, wear a colored shirt matched to your belt (preferred), or white is okay.
- Tuck in your shirt so that it doesn’t hang out beneath your uniform.
- We are guests of the facility – keep the area clean and orderly and alert the School Owners if there is a problem.
- You must attend a certain number of classes before you are able to test.
- You may only test if you are given an “Intent to Promote” sheet.